Ancheer Treadmill Troubleshootingmanage Page - If you inadvertently lose this manual after receiving it, you can contact our customer service for installation advice. Check and ensure you have all parts and tools listed in the manual. Use only recommended tools and parts for safe operation. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively address ancheer treadmill error codes and get back to your workout routine without prolonged interruptions. Page 4 ancheer safety instruction before riding, please check whether the front and rear brakes work normally, check the fastening status of the handlebars and front and rear wheels,. Resetting your ancheer treadmill can be a valuable troubleshooting step for various issues, including: If your treadmill displays error messages, a reset. Check the reed sensor also known as the speed sensor. It is located by the front roller pulley. It is mounted to the frame and looks like a small black tube with a wire attached to it. If you inadvertently lose this manual after receiving it, you can contact our customer service for installation advice. Check and ensure you have all parts and tools listed in the manual. Use only recommended tools and parts for safe operation. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively address ancheer treadmill error codes and get back to your workout routine without prolonged interruptions.
If you inadvertently lose this manual after receiving it, you can contact our customer service for installation advice. Check and ensure you have all parts and tools listed in the manual. Use only recommended tools and parts for safe operation. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively address ancheer treadmill error codes and get back to your workout routine without prolonged interruptions.