Egg Restaurant Rehoboth Beach - Egg burger* 8 oz. Our inviting atmosphere and unique menu set the perfect tone for a great start to your day. Beef burger (ground short rib, brisket & chuck) topped with sriracha bacon candy, pimento cheese, a fried egg, lettuce & tomato served with chips & a pickle. Start your day off right by indulging in a delicious brunch experience at egg! Carnegie Mellon Ed 2 Lnublueface Birthday 09 Fisher And Watkins Funeral Homesliders
Egg burger* 8 oz. Our inviting atmosphere and unique menu set the perfect tone for a great start to your day. Beef burger (ground short rib, brisket & chuck) topped with sriracha bacon candy, pimento cheese, a fried egg, lettuce & tomato served with chips & a pickle. Start your day off right by indulging in a delicious brunch experience at egg!