Glock 17 Discontinued - Sadly, the glock 17 is now a discontinued pistol model. Glock stopped producing the glock 17 mos gen 5 as well. They glock 47 was designed to replace that model slowly. The glock 17 gen 5 isn't officially discontinued, despite rumors suggesting otherwise. These speculations arise from changes in glock's production focus and evolving. Glock's instagram made the announcement yesterday: All gen 4 models have been phased out for a year or so. The 17. 5 has been superseded by the g47. The 17 is the flagship glock and will likely be around as long as they are. The mos is being discontinued but they are still making the 17 non mos. It’s being replaced by the 47 mos. Glock 17 mos has been discontinued. The regular g17 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Like many other law enforcement agencies, the fbi relies on the fifth generation of glock handguns, including the glock 19 gen 5 and a glock 17 gen 5. Does a glock 17 exist?. The g17 is being discontinued with the introduction of the g47. And the g19 is not far behind it with glock wanting to use full size frames going forward for their double stack. The glock 7 which is the one made of porcelain and cost more than you make in a month. Unavailable since june 29, 1990. I was at a gun store in l. a. Today and i overheard the guy behind the counter saying the glock representative told him the g17 was going to be discontinued and replaced by the new g47. Has anyone else heard anything about that? So yes, the glock 17 mos will be replaced in production with the glock 47 mos and the glock 17 gen 5 will still be produced. Sadly, the glock 17 is now a discontinued pistol model. Glock stopped producing the glock 17 mos gen 5 as well. They glock 47 was designed to replace that model slowly. The glock 17 gen 5 isn't officially discontinued, despite rumors suggesting otherwise. These speculations arise from changes in glock's production focus and evolving. Glock's instagram made the announcement yesterday: All gen 4 models have been phased out for a year or so. The 17. 5 has been superseded by the g47. The 17 is the flagship glock and will likely be around as long as they are. The mos is being discontinued but they are still making the 17 non mos. It’s being replaced by the 47 mos. Glock 17 mos has been discontinued. The regular g17 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Like many other law enforcement agencies, the fbi relies on the fifth generation of glock handguns, including the glock 19 gen 5 and a glock 17 gen 5. Does a glock 17 exist?.
Sadly, the glock 17 is now a discontinued pistol model. Glock stopped producing the glock 17 mos gen 5 as well. They glock 47 was designed to replace that model slowly. The glock 17 gen 5 isn't officially discontinued, despite rumors suggesting otherwise. These speculations arise from changes in glock's production focus and evolving. Glock's instagram made the announcement yesterday: All gen 4 models have been phased out for a year or so. The 17. 5 has been superseded by the g47. The 17 is the flagship glock and will likely be around as long as they are. The mos is being discontinued but they are still making the 17 non mos. It’s being replaced by the 47 mos. Glock 17 mos has been discontinued. The regular g17 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Like many other law enforcement agencies, the fbi relies on the fifth generation of glock handguns, including the glock 19 gen 5 and a glock 17 gen 5. Does a glock 17 exist?. The g17 is being discontinued with the introduction of the g47. And the g19 is not far behind it with glock wanting to use full size frames going forward for their double stack.