What Is Wrong With Nina's Face On General Hospital - Despite her attempts to find happiness, nina continues to face new conflicts, keeping her story unpredictable. Nina did start all this but i don’t think she knew what a hold drew had on willow either. She looks like she can’t believe willow is not letting sonny and carly see their son. i. Joss (eden mccoy) cancels plans with cam (william lipton) after an encounter with spencer. Things are still amiss with esme (avery pohl), which likely. Nina should in all actuality hate willow for how willow behaves toward her and instead nina yearns to have a relationship with her because she desperately wants the children that were. Nina jumped in to get revenge on michael by convincing willow to file for divorce and custody. She is one of the most evil characters to appear on general hospital. I can’t stand nina. I get why michael, willow and carly hate her, i would feel the same way if she was involved in my child’s life. The worst thing about her is she’s oblivious to the harm she. Nina reeves is a character on the show “general hospital” and has a medical condition called nystagmus. Spoilers reveal nina's shocking plan for revenge against ava and sonny in general hospital. Drama unfolds in port charles. But things got even worse when he announced that she. Because nina didn't turn in carly until after she declared a truce but carly refused to be nina's cheerleader to willow. She did it out of spite to punish carly for refusing her. I'm getting a little bored with sonny keeping the nina secret, don't understand why he is still keeping quiet. My thinking is it i’ll make a much better reveal during nina’s trial… so no point. I think the plastic surgeries nina dobrev got don't suit her because she wasn't the right candidate for them.
Despite her attempts to find happiness, nina continues to face new conflicts, keeping her story unpredictable. Nina did start all this but i don’t think she knew what a hold drew had on willow either. She looks like she can’t believe willow is not letting sonny and carly see their son. i. Joss (eden mccoy) cancels plans with cam (william lipton) after an encounter with spencer. Things are still amiss with esme (avery pohl), which likely. Nina should in all actuality hate willow for how willow behaves toward her and instead nina yearns to have a relationship with her because she desperately wants the children that were. Nina jumped in to get revenge on michael by convincing willow to file for divorce and custody. She is one of the most evil characters to appear on general hospital. I can’t stand nina. I get why michael, willow and carly hate her, i would feel the same way if she was involved in my child’s life. The worst thing about her is she’s oblivious to the harm she. Nina reeves is a character on the show “general hospital” and has a medical condition called nystagmus. Spoilers reveal nina's shocking plan for revenge against ava and sonny in general hospital. Drama unfolds in port charles. But things got even worse when he announced that she.